Thursday, January 1, 2009

World Peace Day

Dear earthlings,

How appropriate. Today, the 1st day of the year 2009 is World Day of Peace.
I guess the meaning of Peace doesn't bear any significance meaning at all. Humans are still set on destroying themselves.
How depressing. Browsing the news updates, Israel and Palestine are still fighting the never ending war. In Bangkok, the usher of new year brought deaths....dozens of party revelers died when fire broke out at a nightclub. Deaths of military men became statistical figures for USA to compare....the report stated deaths of military men are lower in Iraq while there is an increase of deaths in Aghanistan. What's up with that........what about civilian deaths. Is human life so cheap that they need to do comparisons.
<sigh>....same old shit, just different year. Everyone is hopeful and wanting 2009 to be a better year than the previous years. I seriously doubt it. Humans are still greedy, selfish and stupid. Period.

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