Thursday, January 1, 2009

Two O O Eight fast!! The year has ended. So cruel....

And this post from my last post just proves it all.....I am a lazy, lazy bum. Another milestone of 2009 to live through. I anticipate major changes to my rat race life....we will see.

And as usual, forget resolutions. These are old plans that don't work. Procrastinate should be the WORD, the ACTIONS plan to start the year. That way, if things are not done or achieved by end of 2009, blame the whole world, the planet, the universe, even God, but never blame yourself.

Oh...oh...oh....50 is the new 25. Yep.....I am going to be 50 years old. Exactly how does 50 suppose to feel like? I still feel like I was 20, 30 years ago. Let me ponder on this for awhile. Maybe, just maybe a little, this piece of my ass is too heavy to move. Okay, I lie.....too lazy to move.

But dearest hubby is good. He is goooddd. Bought me a nice gold bracelet, expensive wor! Told him right in front of the sales girl while she was fixing the bracelet on my wrist: "honey, after I die, you will not give this bracelet to your new girlfriend. This will be cashed out and the money donated to charity!" .........wonder what he was thinking then. Didn't listen his response. I was just too happy admiring my new bracelet. Free!! Sweet.

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