Sunday, January 25, 2009


It's the Ox year come tomorrow, Monday. the 26th January.


I am a dog. An earth dog. woof. woof.

"People born in the Year of the Dog possess the best traits of human nature. They have a deep sense of loyalty, are honest, and inspire other people¡¦s confidence because they know how to keep secrets. But Dog People are somewhat selfish, terribly stubborn, and eccentric. They care little for wealth, yet somehow always seem to have money. They can be cold emotionally and sometimes distant at parties. They can find fault with many things and are noted for their sharp tongues. Dog people make good leaders. They are compatible with those born in the Years of the Horse, Tiger, and Rabbit. "

True, true, true and true. I can be the most despicable bitch at times.

so what does the Ox offer me this year........let's keep tracks.


from The Sun's newspaper cutting:

It's not a good year for the dog.Your emotions may be largely instable. Career and wealth will improve but only after initial bad starts.

It will be best for you to stay put in your current job, as changing jobs this year brings with it its own set of obstacles. This outlook is better if you own your own business.

Pay attention to the domestic front this year. Problems may crop up at home that will require your attention. Try to stay away from arguments with your partner.

You may suffer from stress brought on by gossips. Try to manage your worries and find a good way to relax.


Extracted partly from Raymond Lo's site


"The Ox also forms a three penalty relationship with the Goat and the Dog. Such penalty is hidden danger and may cause disharmony, worries and irritations, or hidden sickness. Therefore people born in the year of the Goat or Dog is also recommended to carry the pendant of the Rat to minimize such penalty influence in the year of the Ox..
The Five basic elements represent different parts of our body, earth in general relates to stomach, pancreas, muscle and cells. As such, the health problems related to earth could be stomach problem, food poisoning, and diarrhea. Disorder of earth elements can mean problems of muscle and cells, this can bring obesity, diabetes, and cancer …these are all sicknesses caused by imbalance of earth elements. Diabetes is a sickness caused by disorder of insulin which is produced by the pancreas which is also symbolized by earth element in Chinese medicine.. So diabetes problem is also caused by imbalance of earth element. As such, these kinds of health problems will also come in focus in the Earth year of 2009. However, the most serious health threat in the year of the Ox could be cancer as the Ox will create serious earth penalty with the Goat and the Dog and this will create hidden disorder of cells and becomes cancer. There are numerous examples of the serious influence of such earth penalty triggers cancer and other degenerative diseases. it is important to take more anti –oxidant as a preventive measure."
"However, the most serious and dangerous aspect of the Ox is it forms Three Earth Penalty with the Goat and the Dog and bring misfortune and worries, even serious sickness such as cancer."

Others say:

"Positive: Intelligent, loyal, fair, and constant. Dogs are always willing to listen to others’ problems, and to fight for a good cause.Negative: Cynical and tactless. These people don’t always forgive easily, especially those who cross them.Chinese Astrology Horoscope 2009 for the Dog: Expect many changes in 2009. In the year of the Ox, Dogs will succeed best if they keep their expectations realistic and expect only minor improvements. This is not to say that improvements cannot be made. If Dogs work hard and take care of others' feelings, they can overcome obstacles and challenges that they may face."
Summary, okay........low profile, take anti-oxidants, don't quit job, don't argue with husband. don't be a bitch. that bloody nephew of his better stay clear from me and stop irritating me and not to bring up my blood pressure. whatever.

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