Wednesday, January 21, 2009

American citizen of the world

with maternal grandparents

with mom

with siblings from Kenya

with step-father, mom and sister

with father, Mr Barack Obama Sr

with his paternal grandmother, Sarah Hussein Obama

His colourful heritage
His hopes for change, his journeys
His American dreams, even the world 's dreams and hopes
Can he heal, can he rebuild the broken bridges
Can he deliver what he promises
Let us keep tracks on him
We citizens of the world wish him
all the luck in these tough times
I personally envy him
I personally am inspired by him
A dream once a dream can become a reality

For what he stands for
a popular catch phrase sums it up
"Rosa sat so Martin could walk.
Martin walked so Obama can run.
Obama is running so our children can fly."

A new history, new hopes rekindled.
The 20th day in January 2009.
He carries the planet's hopes on his shoulders.
In this little blog space corner, I salute you.
All the best of luck, Mr President
Barack Hussein Obama.

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