Friday, January 23, 2009


Am I supposed to be nice and hospitable to someone who irritates the hell out of me
in this house?
Of his bad habits, hygiene and all. I mean, come on, at 28 years old but still doesnt know how to flush the damn toilet after using it. 5 times I had to flush it and the scenes were not something that can be written here. You have to imagine it. At 28 years old but acting like an 8 year old kid.

Alot of other habits which are just irritating to me. To me!!!!!!!!! This is my house and I want to have peace in this house.

Why do I have to put up with this????

I can understand how nice and kindly the mother is. Sister to MrA, my hubby. But why do I have to put with the son's behaviours. It is the Asian culture thingy.....memendam rasa walaupun hati sakit. Biar diri merana asal tetamu tak kecil hati. The Asian hospitality way.

This is so, so, so contributing to my blood pressure level. I have been checking my blood pressures regularly at the clinic........still high. Yesterday's reading was 150/94.

I can't stand this anymore. I am already not happy at workplace, now at home too.

Please help me, someone.

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