Friday, January 30, 2009

American Idol Season 8

The auditions in the various cities are over. They even went to Puerto Rico. duh....didn't know that PR is an American colony. whatever.

Starting next week is the Hollywood Rounds.....let the serious singing begins. No more freak shows, funny moments, wannabes singers who have delusions they are going to be the next Idol. hubbah. hubbah.

There are good singers and there are good singers with personalities plastered. Like the judges said ~ the contestants need to project themselves to be remembered.

Lil Rounds ~ the mother who has 3 kids and house was torn down during the hurricane. She sang good but she reminded me of LaToya London. And who can forget Melinda Doolittle. They can sing but personalities eliminated them.

Scott MacIntyre ~ will be watching this almost-blind guy closely. I will be disappointed if he doesn't make it to the top 24. Googling him brought news that he already has 5 albums, done concerts, featured in the news. not forgetting a full scholarship at Cambridge U. Question ~ should he qualify to enter Idol? Why not....who ever hears about Scott before his Idol's audition. Idol gives him the exposure. And everybody loves a contestant with a STORY. Hope he goes far in this season.......fingers crossed.

Anoop Desai ~ the Indian geeky look. Coming from his physical appearance, he has a wonderful voice. Will be interesting to see him in the top 36, even more in the top 24. I want to see him transformed. Remember Sanjaya, the mohawk hair guy with the crying forever teen girl fan.

Stevie Wright ~ the girl whose name was given by her parents after Stevie Nicks? who? She has a lovely voice.

Go to Youtube and check out these potentials sing.

Looking forward to Hollywood weeks.

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