Monday, January 26, 2009

This and that

Bathmat Mat Walks.
Isn't this a neat creative idea?
Would be great if I can buy one of them, but so expensive!! 29,95 € !!!!! That's 140 frigging ringgit!!! You can order from this site:

It was designed and created as part of the project "Droog Hotel" in 2002. Droog Design asked designers for ideas how to upgrade a One-Star-Hotel. Mat Walk was a design for the hotelrooms' bathrooms. Won't it be nice to use one of these to wipe the floors after you mop them. Slippery wet floors will be a thing in the past!!.

This is good business idea.......I think I will experiment to sew one. have lots of those old towels which I can use. will update once i make them.

The Oscars 2009 nominates these movies:

Slumdog Millionaire
The Reader
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Be it as it may, I personally think Milk deserves the oscar. But the little publicity movie, Slumdog Millonaire might win hands down.

And Sean Penn deserves to bring home the Best Actor's trophy. He missed his calling in "I am Sam". Although, it is possible the Oscar might go to Brad Pitt.

Rodney Dangerfield said: "My cousins gay, he went to London only to find out that Big Ben was a clock."

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