Thursday, October 30, 2008

This time Yoga

Another crap to be decided by the Fatwa Council.....going to issue another stupid ruling yet again. Just like they did recently on tomboyish dressing.

Why don't they sign up for some yoga classes and experience them before they start to preach their bullshit. They fucked up the religion....that's what they do.

As far as I have been to afew yoga classes......they are all about breathing exercise, loosening bodies' limbs and deep relaxation Hell, the instructor never preaches nor speaks nor breathes a word of religious it Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, bla bla bla!

This country is fucked up!!! Period.

Btw...I wonder: how do this bunch of Fatwa councillors come up with a ruling? Do they survey, compile reports, real stories, investigate, research a certain social behavioral trait that is deemed unislamic? I mean, I can understand about gambling, drinking alcohol, eating pork as haram. These are clear cuts question about it. But associating yoga as unislamic? Did they get feedback from those die-hard Muslims who went for yoga classes reporting back that they were pyscho-analaysed to denounce their religion while bending their bodies and breathing? What?

And in Marina Mahathir's blog, amongst all the comments, this one particular comment takes the cake:

"Fatwa Council is belong to Muslims.. All fatwas apply to Muslims ONLY. It may be true if the council have their own weakness.. let the ulamak fight for that.. they know best.. (real ulamak represent the religion not a political party or entity)If you are not Muslims then stop interfering bcoz you have no right at all. Seriously..If you are "half Muslims" or less knowledge of Islam then start to in depth your knowledge from the right source (i.e murshid guru). Reading is good but guidance is mandatory."

Now this is what pure ignorance of his own religion and refusal to allow others to seek clarification to avoid further confusions.This is more than holier than thou attitude. Exactly how do you expect others to show interest in Islam? Shallow thinking, I say.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Knick Knacks

Fondling in bed

After 20 years of marriage, a couple was lying in bed one evening, when the wife felt her husband begin to fondle her in ways he hadn't in quite some time.

It almost ticked as his fingers started at her neck and then began moving down past the small of her back.

He then caressed her shoulders and neck slowly worked his hand down over her breasts, stopping just over her lower stomach.

He then proceeded to place his hand on her left inner arm, caressed past the side of her breast again, working down her side, passed gently over her buttock and down her leg to her calf. Then, he proeeded up her inner thgih, stopping just at the uppermost portion of her leg. He continued in the same manner on her right side, then suddenly stopped, rolled over and started to watch the tv.

As she had become quite aroused by this caressing, she asked in a loving voice, "that was wonderful. Why did you stop?"

He said, "I found the remote."


Perks of reaching 50 or being over 60 and heading towards 70!
1. Kidnappers are not very interested in you.
2. In a hostage situation you are likely to be released first.
3. No one expects you to run--anywhere.
4. People call at 9 pm and ask, did I wake you?
5. People no longer view you as a hypochondriac.
6. There is nothing left to learn the hard way.
7. Things you buy now won't wear out.
8. You can eat supper at 4 pm.
9. You can live without sex but not your glasses.
10. You get into heated arguments about pension plans.
11. You no longer think of speed limits as a challenge.
12. You quit trying to hold your stomach in no matter who walks into the room.
13. You sing along with elevator music.
14. Your eyes won't get much worse.
15. Your investment in health insurance is finally beginning to pay off.
16. Your joints are more accurate meteorologists than the national weather service.
17. Your secrets are safe with your friends because they can't remember them either.
18. Your supply of brain cells is finally down to manageable size.
19. You can't remember who sent you this list. And you notice these are all in Big Print for your

Monday, October 27, 2008

A trip down memory lane.......

What do you do on a Deepavali holiday? Take the trip down memory lane to watch ......

M a M M a M I a

What a delightful movie ~ it just brings back all those memories. Memories when I used to have a cut-out picture of Pierce Brosnan and put it under my pillow (was told if you do this, you can dream about the guy all night long! haha) and he is still hot! Spending the money to buy the latest cassette tape of Abba's album and playing them over and over and over again.

And you, you, Colin Firth.......gosh, hard to imagine Mr Darcy singing Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight), Voulez Vous, Our last summer. Dellishious!!!

Songs like Take A Chance on me, Money Money Money, Supertrouper, Waterloo, The Winner takes it all, Chiquitita, I have a dream, etc etc was so delightful singing along with most of the songs. Heck, I know the lyrics by heart from all those years of listening. The storyline is simple, embedding most of their famous songs with a particular scene. Abba's songs are so catchy and yummy! Only thing about the movie is my dream man ~ Pierce, you can't sing, baby! Take more of those singing lessons, wil ya?

To all the casts, producers, director and all other crews of Mama I say:

Thank you for the music, the songs I'm singing

Thanks for all the joy they're bringing

Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty

What would life be?

Without a song or a dance what are we?

So I say thank you for the music....for giving it to me

Merryl Streep, you go, girl!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Compulsive shopping ala Metrojaya Warehouse Sales

"Affluenza" by Clive Hamilton & Richard Denniss is a great book. It's all about when too much is never enough. Spending is the name of the game. Spending to keep up with the Joneses.

In part excepts from the book ~ Clive and Richard wrote: "Compulsive shopping has been called the 'smiled upon' addiction because it is socially sanctioned." "Research shows that most compulsive buyers have histories of depression, anxiety disorders and substance abuse. Yet 'shopping til you drop' is seen as the sign of a happy-go-lucky disposition rather than a meaningless life."

Despite reading this book with a broader knowledge of understanding human pyschological behaviours.....I fell into the exact trap as the book described. *sigh*

Shopping to me is a stress reliever.People have comfort food. I do comfort shop....I shop when I am happy, shop when feeling depressed, shop to reward myself, shop when I am feeling angry. Every possible excuse to go shopping. Okay, okay, plus point ~ I don't shop til I drop.

Browsing the net (yet another excuse) led me to know that Metrojaya was going to have its warehouse sale. That would sum up ~ cheap perfume, cheap household goods, cheapo of everything. As early as last week I had put up a reminder note stuck to the fridge "Metro...thursday, 23rd. 10 am. apply leave. be early"

There I was as early as 9.30, waiting for the door to open 'sesame'. Is this stupid or what?!

The crowd was huge. I came with a purpose ~ perfumes and households stuffs. Bought what I wanted. Spent about RM1k. God knows whether I need them or not. But I drove back home...a happy person.

Being tomboyish is so UnIslamic

Today, The National Fatwa Council issued the following statement:

Friday October 24, 2008
Fatwa on tomboys
KOTA BARU: The National Fatwa Council has ruled that tomboyism, where a girl behaves or dresses in a boyish manner, is forbidden in Islam.
Its chairman Datuk Dr Abdul Shukor Husin said the decision was prompted by recent developments as there had been cases of young women inclined to behave like men and indulging in homosexuality.
Parents must stop their children from indulging in disruptive activities that are against Islamic teachings, he told reporters here yesterday. Bernama

All I can say is this is a wagonful of craps!! Why must it be perceived to be a good Muslim, you must dress right, behave right? How easy for them to pass judgement and make conclusions that only women who behave and dress like men are indulging in homosexuality. There are women who dress real lady-like and they are lesbians too. Dressing means nothing.

This is the problem with how government, politicians, religious leaders interpret Islam and impose rules to the ummahs. It's always physical appearances....must wear scarfs so the whole world knows you are a muslim. And yet, what do you see at work places, in the malls or anywhere.....they wear scarfs but wear tight clothings, the boobs shapes can be seen in all glory to see. Butts in tight jeans and yet not a single hair can be seen from their head. How come there is no fatwa on this??

The hypocrisy of religion......

The longest sandwich "toasted"

This is funny.....even before the fete for the longest sandwich was put to record in the Guinness books...they were all gobbled and eaten by the hungry spectators.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Repairing Europa oven mate

I took a day off simply to get my Europa oven repaired.

It costs me RM110 to change the 2 knobs on my Europa ovenmate. RM60 for the call-in service and RM50 for the spareparts. Direct from the factory ~ Kee Huat Bhd. The serviceman, Mr Chua who came is a nice man....although he won't even consider a single ringgit of discount. *sigh*

Worth to do it so I can now see the temperature looks new!!

On another note, whenever we go out, it is always dearest hubby who is late. I am a on-the-dot-clock person. Isn't it a woman's thing to be late? *sigh* I hate, hate, hate waiting!

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Come next year, March '09, there will be a new leader helming the government. Pak Lah, the sleepy head will hand over the office keys, lock stock and barrel to his successor, Najib, the facethatcantbetrusted-man.

So, does it matter? One is no better than the other.

I tell you, old politicians out there ~~~~ give way for the young ones to lead the country. You old politicians, your ideas are as old as whatever is left on your head.

And you, are old!! And your wife has the face of a bimbo!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Don't leave the restaurant until you.....

Tip!!! I have officially inherited the culture of tipping by courtesy of my dearest husband. Not by choice but by the looks and comments he made if I picked up the bill and getting the change back and not leaving any. Phew!

He spent half of his lifes in the Land of compulsory tipping ~ USA. So he always reminds me: "Tipping is not a town in China."

His reasoning ~ you tip, the service waiters and waitresses remember you and in your next visit, you will get the service you courteous service. Simple as that. I do remember on one occasion visiting one restaurant and he tipped generously. Our next visit, we could see the same waiter who had previously served us practically swished, swooshed his way from opposite end of the restaurant to our table. He must had pocketed the tip before and hoping to get another generous tip this time round. Too bad.....I paid the bill! He only got a few ringgit....of course, the hubby gave me the look.

I am not cheap nor tight but this culture of tipping just is not in my head nor in my hands nor from my purse. My simple reasoning is ~ it is the responsibility of the restaurant owners the staffs are well trained, foods served are delicious, ambience is just right....for these, there will be more future visits. It is not my problem the staffs are not paid well and have to rely on tips. I just want to have a nice meal with an affordable price and good conversation. However, should I dine and wine in a tipping-whateveramountisnormallypractice-culture/society, I will tip.

There are some restaurants here who have a tip box at the cash counter....I don't have problem with that. It is my choice to throw in the loose change in the box. Tipping pizza delivery guy problem.

Tipping ~ it is just cultural.....not obligatory. Hey, in Korea, tipping is offensive! In Malaysia, it is just not the In-thing. So, westerners.....leave your customs at your home desk.

What say you?

Rated "V"

V is for virgin. Be gentle.

I call myself a blog whore, nothing sexual. But I like to blog hop reading other peoples' lifes, opinions, ideas, etc etc. But I am, alas, a blog virgin. ;)

Nothing completes my day without browsing and reading other people's blogs ~ their lifes, their daily happenings. Some made their lifes more interesting than what I normally have. Some humorous, some sad enough to make me feel that at time, my sadness is not really sad, per se. Political blogs made me depressed about this country I live in....on the few rare occassional times, I kept bugging dear hubby to migrate. Most times, he just ignored me and my rants!

During those occassional times when I run out of ideas what to cook, I am always visiting food blogs. A simple meal they made become a scumptious dinner for me. After all, it is most times not easy to feed a husband who is so fussy with his food. A nephew who can eat anything I cook at the stove.
I don't know yet what and how this blog will end up with....I still have reservations to put up intimate personal stuffs in my life. But I do have so many stories to tell tales. So we will see?!

Until then....