Saturday, February 21, 2009

SMS Spam

I hate it when you check on incoming sms messages and they turn out to be spam.

Latest spam text:

+60104673184 ...received on Feb. 20 @ 5.09 p.m.

"Hi! Sy Livia Taher supermodel br balik dr USA.Nontonlah video terpanas sy diphone skrg. Pdftrn PERCUMA Taip msj ON LIV htr ke 33887. Ingat!Utk umur 18 keatas shj"

Do these bastards really think I am that desperate to reply to the message?!?!!! Geez.........there must be some laws or authorities that we can report so the owners of these numbers can be traced, trashed and their ass get kicked!! Not merely to report...but they must act too!!

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